Devonport Dog Walking

A new dog walking business in Devonport, the client needed a website to direct enquiries to. Features included integration of a booking system + contact form, as well as a pop-up feature to advertise special deals or changes to hours.

"We love our new website! We're a new business so were on a tight time frame and Steph was very accommodating and flexible - we had our new site live within a week! It's really easy to edit and maintain.

- Dan @ Devonport Dog Walking

Maurice Moulding

Plastic Injection Moulding factory based in Hamilton. A simple website highlighting services offered, highlighting their unique selling point, and focused on SEO.

Event Hire - Wonderland Events

A new business looking for a simple landing page style website to direct new traffic and enquiries to. With carnival-esque products, we helped the client choose color schemes, logos, and built the price list PDF.

Restaurant Website

A concept site for an understated restaurant with high-end food and spaces - not optimised for viewing on mobile.

Hospitality Business

A back-to-basics classic site for a hospitality business including all the features they needed.